Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Update from the field

First off, I've already missed my goal of posting here at least once per week. Unfortunately, there is not too much news, but here is what I know:

Black Abbey + Fat Bottom Collide

I had dinner (and beers, obviously) with Carl, Mike and John from Black Abbey, another start-up brewery here in Nashville. I was the one who showed up late – sorry guys. They are nice people and good drinking buddies and I walked away with new insight and information about the industry and brewing as a business. Thanks!

I've been trying to get in touch with the various established and proto-breweries in town, with mixed results. Everyone I've talked to is friendly and open, sometimes it's just hard to find contact information. Next up is the ladies from Jackalope, who I'm meeting next week (and excited to do so).

The Search is On

The major activity from the last few weeks has been finding space to open up in. Being in the core of the city is important to me, so I have been focused on the Germantown, East Nashville, and SoBro neighborhoods.

I've looked at a dozen locations so far, most of which are good prospects, but I haven't found "the One" yet. My goal was to have a lease signed by Labor Day, which might still happen but is a stretch at this point. Once a lease is signed though, I'll be free to order equipment and I will be shouting it from the rooftops.

And that's all I've got for now.

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