Monday, August 15, 2011

This isn't a zero-sum game

When you start looking, there are a lot of Nashville breweries and pubs in planning or production, to say nothing of the national craft beer scene.  Most people would throw in the towel, as it looks like there is way too much competition.

That's not the way I see it. I think that building a craft scene and appreciation of great beers will benefit all of us. Our respective sales are not a zero-sum game.  I don't think that a pint Yazoo sells is a pint that I (will) miss out on. Every sale that any of us makes is one that Budweiser & Miller/Coors lost.

Craft beer, as popular as it is, still only represents less than 5% of sales in the United States, and that is split among almost 1,800 different breweries and brewpubs. That tells me there is still tremendous opportunity to change minds and drinking habits, and an opportunity to create a sustainable business.

That is what I'm basing Fat Bottom Brewing on...the chance to convert another beer drinker to a better product.

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