Monday, January 9, 2012

Brewery Neighbors?

I was excited to learn late last week that I'm getting a brewery neighbor in the Fluffo factory complex. Broadcast Brewing (splash page, twitter) officially signed their lease for another space in the same building as Fat Bottom.

This was not a huge surprise, but was good to hear. When I first met the landlords, they were up front with me that they wanted multiple breweries in the building. While Fat Bottom was the first to sign a lease with them, another brewer was in serious discussions with them, but ended up pulling out and putting their project on hold.

A few weeks later I was in the building to meet with the architects and ran into the guys from Broadcast. We went out for beers and dinner and talked about our respective plans. They're nice guys and now I will get to look out across the courtyard at their operation and maybe borrow a pound of hops occasionally.

Some people that I've mentioned this two pull back and give me a look that says "why do you want competition right next door?" I really believe that the more craft breweries there are in Nashville, the better we will all do, and I'm excited to create a brewery complex in East Nashville. Together, I think we can draw more people in, and at the end of the day Broadcast and Fat Bottom are both trying to create a packaging brewery, not a pub business.

Cheers to Nashville craft beer!


  1. The more micro breweries in Nashville the better man. It's surprisingly somewhat of a new, growing market here. I'd love to give you guys a hand with your expansion, feel free to email me if you guys need any help over there.
    Best of luck to you

  2. Being a new resident to Nashville from the Northwest I am extremely excited to see new breweries opening in Nashville! Saw a story about you two on the news and can't wait to get down there and try it since you guys are going to be just down the street.
