Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Third tasting was a success

The new logo...slick!
Per yesterday's tweet, I was pouring beers at Fat Bottom's third public offering (the first two were parties hosted by friends). The event was an open house hosted by the architect & contractor working on the brewery, Powell Design Studio.

Around 50 people showed up over the course of the evening and it was fun to meet folks, talk up the brewery and hear what they thought of the beer. I also got to unveil the final black-and-white version of the new logo, delivered just a day earlier. The designers are working on the color version now.

On tap were test batches of wheat ale, a sweet stout and a coffee porter. (I do need to figure out some better names for these brews.) Most people had the wheat, as the lightest beer, but architect and east-sider Manley was going nuts over the porter and making sure everyone tried it. The beer got lots of compliments and nobody spit it out, so that's good.

Thank you to Steve Powell and everyone at PDS for hosting and letting me share the beery love!


  1. LOVED trying your beer at the Powell Design Studio party (& meeting you, your wife and baby P)! I tried them all and have been raving about them to friends ever since. Can't wait until you open!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just a thought on names. With the look of the logo and the name Fat Bottom, I'd go with girls names or names like "Blonde Bombshell", Brunette, The Red Head for a Red Ale, etc...Or maybe the girls names would work better. I could see a coffee porter being a Michelle or a Red Ale being a Kimberley.

    Just file this into unsolicited advice/thoughts. No matter what the names, I'm excited to have a new brewery in the neighborhood.
